Archive for the 'exhibition' Category


simulation hertzian catastrophe by jeanfrançois Blanquet and david Olivari speakers_1.jpgwith 8 radios and 1 computer at 5eme Biennale Européenne d’Art Contemporain/Nîmes

prétention d’écriture n°2 et 3

ariane bart = computer keyboard + jeanfrançois blanquet = toys, radio, toy keyboard
exhibition of MA VIE MON OEUVRE, prétention littéraire n°2 and 3 = projection DVD at qwality street galery (ateliers Mommen) Bruxelles

MA VIE MON OEUVRE, prétention d’écritutre n°3 cut(originaly 30 minutes)
Download link 

audio works with D.C Cotin

chère walkyrie CD 8cm for coming with a work by the plastician D.C Cotin. 08/2005
Download link

ME-MO-REX (Crime du non-dire pour chanson les sirènes…) D.C Cotin text. 02/2004

a nossa senhora diaporama D.C Cotin pictures. 07/2001