salon bruit
February 1 at salon bruit/Berlin
_al:arm! (Italy)
___Carn De Porc – new project from Olivier Di Placido (France/Berlin)
____Ruben Patino (Spain/Berlin)
Salon Bruit Kastanienallee 77/Berlin
U2 Eberswalderstrasse or Rosenthaler Platz, Tram Schwedterstrasse
lePlacard etoile polaire/Ghent
leplacard -etoile polaire- at VOORUIT café/Ghent
Placard is a headphone concert festival, playing with concentration, intimacy, time warp, and teleportation.
december 14 at 20h30 (CEST) .chain reaction -cracklings-
°&° |~²
the 1st of december, live act by jérôme and jeanfrançois blanquet at E.N.M.D/Montreuil France. From their laboratory audio_video of modified and bypassed devices, jérôme and jeanfrançois blanquet (DEMOLECULARISATION) interpret, live feeds from hertzian, the 8 o’clock TV news. some screen shots.
HijacK at iMAL/Brussels
HijacK 15 nov 07 at iMAL/Brussels
_david Neaud / jérôme and jeanfrançois Blanquet(DEMOLECULARISATION) / clément Charmet and vincent Dorp (thirtytwobit) / PARTKDOLG
pictures by thomas Duquet and jérôme Blanquet
david neaudjérôme et jeanfrançois blanquet
reassembling.mp3>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<Download link
residency at RTT/Brussels
work with microphones and speakers in a place with echo. live sonic act,
. thanks to l’écurie asbl. 08/2007
1_speaker’s speak
2_wireless frequencies
3_and feedback work =))))))))) mechanisms in balance:
——————–> Download link
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