Archive for the 'joint works' Category

silkscreenrecords serie

Yi King session Nummer Sieben

September 17th, Yi-King session at Nummer Sieben , rue Achille Penot/Mulhouse by Yi-King operators.
Yi-King operators are : Nicolas Montgermont, RYBN, Carl.Y and jf Blanquet.
opening : 19h30 until ??? the audience decides not to consult anymore the I Ching.
This is both a serie of experimentations on using the numerous relationships of the Yi King to constraint an improvised music session and a way to answer a question asked to the Yi king in sound. Each consultation defines a number of rules for the sound setup and a specific time development canvas.

LogforData_connection video

-LogforData_connection-, like the title of the movie -french connection- by William Friedkin, DATA traffic!
with DEMOLECULARISATION at La Vitrine/Brussels, we’ve made a record on VHS tape.
video work : jérôme Blanquet, audio work : jf Blanquet.
—– Decoding digital data on audio cassettes is sometimes surprising ?! ——–

LogforData_connection from DEMOLECULARISATION on Vimeo.


bruitisme /Brussels

20 hours of bruitisme Saturday 11 from 17h to 9am at Barlok / Brussels
with RYBN.

THSF 2016

∏-node at Toulouse Hacker Space Factory, from may 19 to 22.
∏-node is an experimental platform for the development of a hybrid web/FM radio format.
THSF website /Toulouse

portraits audacieux

“les portraits audacieux” by damien Bourniquel,

jf blanquet

jf blanquet
