Archive for April, 2011

Trouble #7

-cuisine- sunday 1st may at 22h Halles de Schaerbeek, performance by christophe Alix, benoit Bellet, jérôme and jeanfrancois Blanquet in the framwork of TROUBLE festival.

tetraedre 12-d

on radioPanik 27 may at 23h and on the
————————- auborddugouffre live ————————————————–
listen => auborddugouffre_live
public dress rehearsal of -auborddugouffre- directed by lucille Calmel on march 14th at Tanneurs theater/Brussels.
from -close to the knives- by david Wojnarowicz, translation: laurence Viallet
aymeric de Tapol: rec Top Quality
jeanfrancois Blanquet: editing and disto
sebastien Lentheric: mic, voice, laptop.
mathias Varenne: mic, voice and mp3 player+guitar amp.
gaêtan Rusquet: neon light and chicken hit.
lucille Calmel: NY city sounds.
mathias Beyler: laptop.
philippe Boisnard: pure data
jeanfrancois Blanquet: guitar and electronics feedback.



impetus festival

jérôme and jeanfrancois Blanquet at Impetus festival.
sunday april 17th,,,start 15h ====== >>>>>>> Espace Multimedia Gantner
with : Guy-Marc Hinant, DEMOLECULARISATION [projectsinge]