Archive for March, 2009

XY, L’emprise du genre

Attempt of approach of the male representation. on a proposal by pascale Barret.
At The beginning was the curiosity… then Adam and Eve were driven out of the Eden’s Garden.
wednesday.march 25. 19h-23h
salon#1/male curiosities with ART TO BE// ART CONCEPT FABRIK#
saturday. march 28. 17h-20h
salon#2/male curiosities performances : TOYS with jeanfrançois Blanquet and Bouts à bouts with david Bokiau and miss Picha & jef…



@ MAAC rue des Chartreux Kartuizersstraat , 26-28 BRUXELLES 1000 BRUSSEL

l’envers des mots

in the framwork of –l’envers des mots-: march 21th, 14h-18h Gare du Congrés/Brussels.
AEIOU & ***be a hero! screening.
AEIOU : jean-philippe Convert (author, poet, video artist) and jeanfrançois Blanquet (live audio construction).
***be a hero! by DEMOLECULARISATION (jérôme & jf Blanquet)
and 16h-17h -belgo lettriste public confessions: live act by antoine Boute (poet, philosopher) and jeanfrançois Blanquet (sound artist).

le dernier jour d’un condamné

le dernier jour d’un condamné
11 till 14 of March 2009 at 13 vents Theater/Montpellier, France.
from v.Hugo by compagnie Nocturne, with f.Bellet-jf.Blanquet-l.Sabot-c.Vasseur
video extract ==> here